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Detecting The Four Aspects Of The Sound Quality Of Headphones

Oct. 30, 2019

The headset is a pair of switching units that accept the electrical signals from the media player or receiver and convert them into audible sound waves using speakers close to the ear. With the widespread use of headsets such as Bluetooth Headsets and wireless sports headsets, people are increasingly demanding the sound quality of their devices. Here are four aspects to teach you how to test the sound quality of headphones.

Bluetooth Headsets

Bluetooth Headsets

1, test the quality of low frequency

The low frequency produced by inferior headphones can be astounding, but it is completely bloated, lacking in layering and solidity. Good low frequency should be clean and bright, with distinct layers, and it won't be dragged. Even low-frequency instruments such as drums, bass guitars and piano bass can be easily distinguished. So don't be fooled by the low-frequency sense, the inferior low-frequency is not as comfortable as the clean sound.

2, test the high frequency flexibility

The inferior earphones are high-pitched and squeaky, and people can hear a headache. In extreme cases, the sound of an elegant violin or soprano becomes a sharp noise. Similarly, different instruments in the treble produce different textures, and good treble can be distinguished. The high frequency of the superior and the inferior level can even distinguish the different phonographs played by two different woods of different years. The easiest thing to master is that good treble is not going to be more and more tiring, smooth and layered, and can still be easily heard at the highest point. When we are strenuously moving, we may choose to increase the sound. This is a time point for detecting high frequency. Not enough will have a proprietary Sports Bluetooth Headset to avoid this situation, and the sound quality of the headphones is best. This allows you to enjoy high quality sound while exercising.

3, test high volume and sound field image

Some earphones are stable at low volume, but when the volume is raised to an index, they are distorted, or "shooting", and various non-recorded music signals appear. Specifically, if the orchestra is one of the favorite, you must pass this level. The standard-compliant earphones make the sound out of the box to a certain extent, creating a clear sound field and a knot image, showing the position and texture of the points of different instruments, and having sufficient diffusion space.

4, test the IF vocals

Vocals are the most commonly heard voices. The pros and cons are not difficult to detect. Pay attention to whether the vocals have unusual nasal sounds or the feeling of being screamed. The "box sound" of some earphones will also greatly interfere with the intermediate frequency, making the sound of this frequency band unclear. IF sound is more serious than other frequencies. Most of the audible frequencies, or the frequency of the music, are concentrated in the mid-range. This is a barrier to replay for music.

The sound quality of earphone products of different price points and levels is very different. The Bluetooth Earphone Manufacturer recommends that you not be blindly interested in the price when purchasing. Low-cost headphones are easy to attract attention, but it is not easy to get high-quality effects. Excellent and stable headphone products are the most suitable.

The above is about how to detect the sound quality of headphones, I hope to be useful to everyone. In addition, if you are interested in headphones, you can contact us, we are a professional production and sales of headphones, including all types of headphones, designed to provide you with high-quality headphones, so that everyone can enjoy the music with headphones. Welcome your purchase.